The Important of Energy Efficiency PDF Print E-mail

The question of energy efficiency is perhaps one of the most important issues facing the human race as a whole. The reasons for this are numerous. Not only is energy efficiency a sound economic platform, it is also a vital part of an overall approach to the way in which mankind relates to the environment around them. In short, energy efficiency can be seen as a necessary universal philosophy that must be adopted in order to ensure the future of the planet.

Green Technology Fund Scheme for Companies PDF Print E-mail

Industry of energy in Malaysia becomes bigger by the time with growing of economy with very fast. Foreign investors become a largest investor in Malaysia with set up their business in many state in Malaysia. The local Malaysian companies have to compete with foreign investor in many ways. There is one way that the local companies can save or reduce the cost of operating are from doing energy conservation and switch to energy efficiency products and green buildings.


There are 2 major type of energy that exists in essence and these are namely the Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.

Potential Energy is the type of energy that is stored through compression like the compressed spring or energy that is available when the object is kept at a higher place than ground level. Kinetic Energy is energy that happens through motion or movement of atoms, molecules, waves and objects.

23 Ways On How Consumers Can Practice Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving In Their Home PDF Print E-mail

1) Temperature of the air-conditioner set to be 24ºC or more

If you are used to being at lower temperatures, then try to get used to being in at least 24°C because it will help your home air-conditioner last longer.

2) Keep the windows and doors closed when using the air-conditioner

This practice is to avoid wasting energy when using the air conditioner.

3) Turn-off room lights when not in use.

Many consumers ignore the habit to switch OFF the lights when leaving the room. Habit of not switching OFF lights when necessary is one source of energy wastage.

4) Switch OFF the electrical appliances

Electrical appliances, equipment and devices at home such as computer, iron, television, etc need to be switched OFF when not in use for efficient management of electricity and to ensure that these equipment serves a long life expectancy. A step further to disconnect the power cable of equipment from the wall socket is the best practice.

5) Electrical Iron

The electrical heater inside the iron uses a lot of electricity. To minimize the usage of electricity, iron as much as possible the clothes at a single instance instead of few times in a day.

6) Refrigerator –Size factor

Get a fridge according to necessity and not because of interest of having huge ones at home because larger fridges uses more electricity. Always go for the energy efficient fridges having the 5 Star rating.

7) Refrigerator - Frost collection

There are some refrigerators that do not come with the ‘defrost’ system. If you have a refrigerator of this type, then contact a refrigerator technician for help to remove the frost.

8) Refrigerator – Arrangement of food items

Ensure the food layout allows free air movement between food items.

9) Refrigerator – Location

The efficiency of a refrigerator also depends on the location where the refrigerator is stored. Ensure that there is adequate space on the side and the back of the refrigerator for unobstructed movement of air.

10) Refrigerator – Condenser coil

The efficiency of a refrigerator also depends on the condenser coils and care should be given to the cleanliness of the condenser coils. The cleaning activity should be planned as a part of its preventive maintenance.

11) Electric oven / Microwave

Microwave door gaskets should always be in closed position to prevent loss of energy.

12) Electric Kettle

Using the electric kettle to boil the water is very much energy conserving because the heating element inside the electric kettle is in direct contact with water for boiling, thus reducing excessive loss of heat. Heating element should also be cleaned to reduce energy consumption.

13) Water Heater for shower

Instant water heaters can save more energy than stagnant water heater. If you have been using stagnant water heater in your house, the consider changing to instant water heater.

14) Computer operation

A computer that operates in standby mode or sleep mode wastes energy. It is best practice to shut down the computer when not needed to reduce energy waste.

15) Change to LCD Monitor

Conversion in using the to energy-efficient LCD monitors instead of the CRT monitor is a good move for energy conservation.

16) Replace old fans

If you have fans at your home that has been in operation for decades, then consider changing them to a new one which is more energy efficient. It uses lesser electricity.

17) Use fluorescent lights instead of round lights

Fluorescent lamps are several times brighter than a round incandescent bulb for the same wattage of electricity. Use energy efficient fluorescent lights where possible.

18) Change Incandescent lamps to CFL lamps

Incandescent lamps are not energy efficient and this means there is wastage in electrical energy. Change to Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) for energy efficiency.

19) Preventive Maintenance on air-filter inside the air-conditioner

Dirty air filters can cause excessive energy consumption in the cooling process. Get the air filter cleaned once in 3 months as part of the preventive maintenance for the air-conditioner.

20) Plant Trees

Planting trees around the home to some extent will help in the process of cooling our homes because the trees absorb Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) in the air. Excessive CO2 in the air is one of the biggest contributors to global warming.

21) Air-Conditioners should not be placed in places where there is obstruction

Ensure that there is no furniture that blocks the sensor of the air-conditioner and the air from the front panel is not obstructed.

22)   Air-Conditioner that suits the consumer need

If an air-conditioner is needed for cooling in a small room, then a 1.5hp or 2hp air-conditioner is sufficient. There is no need to use high horsepower (HP) for small areas because it wills consumer more energy.

23) Roof and ceiling insulation

There is a connection between the roof & ceiling insulation and energy consumption in the home. There is a range of insulation material that caters for houses in cold and hot location.

Thanesh Kumar

Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA)


Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation PDF Print E-mail

Energy conservation refers to efforts made to reduce energy consumption. Energy conservation can be achieved through increased efficient energy use, in conjunction with decreased energy consumption and/or reduced consumption from conventional energy sources. Energy conservation act was passed on 2001.


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